Solid core plug wires have been revolutionary in the wiring harness industry. Most buyers and users can appreciate its sturdiness and affordability thanks to its exemplary qualities. In addition to the solid core plug wires, we have stranded wires with a different design. Undeniably, both have served the electrical and…
A speaker harness helps transmit the signal from the amplifier to the speaker. Specific cables are reserved for this role, and the specs are suited for sound signal transfer. For more insights on choosing the right speaker wire for your car, let us get started. What is speaker wire made…
About Piggyback Spade Connector: During your electrical connections, you are always looking for precision, reliability, and tightness to ensure efficient and safe current flow. While you can use soldering to achieve such, it may not be ideal when you want frequent connections and disconnections. Here, your option is spade connectors,…
About DIY Wire Harness Kit: Since a wiring harness carries data and power to your car components, it’s vital for its functionality. That is why you see many electrical components coming with their wire harness from the factory for efficiency and reliability. But sometimes, you may need to make your…
Race car wiring solutions are straightforward if you understand the basics. Understanding aspects like cord size, cable grades, crimping, and soldering simplifies the process. Welcome to this guide, where we unravel all the details of race car wiring. Get the Cord Size Right The rule of thumb is always to…
Wiring Fuel Sending Unit: It’s inconvenient to drive your car without knowing your correct fuel level. To avoid this, I recommend ensuring you don’t have a faulty fuel-sending unit that measures your fuel level. Here, I will show you steps for wiring the fuel-sending unit, ensuring your fuel gauge reads…
An automobile diode is an electronic component that allows current to flow while protecting the electrical system from current spikes. Therefore, when they fail, your vehicle may experience a battery discharging faster and having excessive drain. Unfortunately, when addressing power-related problems, most car owners often concentrate on the battery. In…
About Car Electrical Components: As you may know, modern cars feature various electrical systems for not only safety and efficiency but also for comfort. These parts are the nervous system equivalent of your car, making each part work smoothly. If you are a DIYer like me, knowing your car’s electrical…
Button wiring is installing a push-button start ignition on a car. This type of button allows the car to start without using the traditional key system. So, what are the perks of button wiring? Find out below. Why is a Push Button Start Ignition Important? This type of ignition is…
About Auto Fusible Links: Did you know your car’s electrical components can run into power problems, resulting in damage and sometimes fires? That is why having a circuit protector like a fuse or a breaker is necessary to keep your car electrical safe. But sometimes fuses and these breakers aren’t…
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